Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting Started on The Right Track

Rider : Tony Hasenkrug
So you've seen it at the beach....checked it out from the shore, and now you think you're ready to give it a go! So what now?
The best advice I can give you is.......TAKE A LESSON!! Yes they are pricey, but think about it, not only do you get to thrash the schools gear while your flailing around in the water, but you're also gonna be supervised if it gets haywire out there. Would you just jump in a plane, strap in and go for a rip??? Funny thing is back in the day a lot of us did teach ourselves, and believe me I'm soooo lucky I didn't hurt or kill me or any other beach users. A lesson is integral to learning quickly and efficiently!

With that being said, You should definitely do your research about what school, or instructor. IKO and IKA are organizations that have Qualified certified instructors!

Kiting is fun and easy to learn if you take the right steps! Take a lesson, be safe, patient, and listen to everything your instructors tells ya, Before you know it....You'll be rippin' it up out there!   

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the blog Tony! and for any of you newbies out there, Tony is one of the best kite instructors around. I've learned a lot from him myself:) and it's made a big difference. cheers
