Saturday, April 23, 2011

How do you get powered up?

My powerhouse kite caddie in mexico (Willi Hasenkrug) aka "dad"
  What do you do to keep you're energy up when kiting?  Or anything for that matter.  Are you able to stay powered up and focused when your shredding?   What keeps you going? 

  After years of  snowboarding and the last six kiting, I was deep into a routine of  what I call the "brown diet"   Which consisted of coffee, nicotine, beer and any food that was fast and easy and far from healthy.  I would get off the water for a break and go right for a beer and a smoke.  Then go out for another session.  I never really thought anything of it, It's what I did.  How do you think I performed?  You guessed it... flailing, cold, and unfocused.

  It wasn't until I met Tammra (a holistic nutritionist) and she introduced me to a nutritional program called Isagenix  that I realized what I was missing....A basic balance of the right proteins, carbs, and fats. It really started to change the way I looked at my routine.  I wasn't leaning towards the beers and cigarettes, instead I couldn't wait to fill my body  with goodness and get the most out of my sessions.  I was so fired up and excited every time I would  pump up.  I was able to ride way longer, keep warm, stay focused and progress.  That was the biggest thing for me, The focus, endurance and progress I felt was truly amazing!!  Some of my friends on the beach were even mentioning it and asking me "what are doing these days? dude you were chargin' out there!"

  So what do you do pre, during, and post session?  Are you aware of what you put back into your system?  If you do, awesome! You're definitely ahead of the game.  I now realize how important it is to replenish my body while doing any sort of sport or hard work.  Think about it......when your kiting its unlike so many other sports. You're out there for hours and you never really are taking any breaks, you're always moving, always engaged and burning lots of energy. It's vital that you fill your tank before and after your session if you want to make the most of it!  If you're interested in what isagenix is all about please check this out

  Would you rather flail and bail?  Or you would you rather charge?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Pinch me!
  Happy Earth Day everyone!  

  It's really starting to feel like spring!  The flowers are blooming, the air is getting warmer and most of all the inflows are starting.    Woohoo!

  We've all been waiting patiently here in Squamish for the season to kick in.  Yesterday was our first real day with 20+ knots.  With a super low tide the sand bars were exposed everywhere giving you some options.....flat,  shallow water and ramped up waves in the river. 

 It was my first day of the season having a session on my strapless surf board and it was so much fun.  It's just amazing to me that with kiting you have so many options.  You can pretty much choose whatever you want to ride.....freeride, wakestyle, surf, wakeskate, skimboard, race or even kite ski.   I've even watched a dude in Cabarete who had one leg shredding on a  surf board,  He just sat down on his board and away he went. It was truly inspiring for me!

One of the main reasons I was so attracted to kiting was the fact that you are at one with mother nature,  Whether you're in the snow or on the water, you are using nothing but the wind and a sail to propell yourself. There is a feeling of peace and harmony for me when I'm out there, almost zen like.   Sometimes I catch myself looking around at the scenery and am awe struck......The snow covered mountains, shannon falls gleaming in the sunshine, the seals popping their heads up out of the water, eagles flying over head, and the ocean creating a huge playground for me to explore.

  As you can tell I'm pretty jacked up and stoked to ride today......I am definitely going to soak it all up today and give huge props to mother nature for creating such a beautiful and inspiring place to live!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weather or Knot?

Would you ride here?
  SO you've had a few sessions, you're able to get out, make a few tacks and get back to the beach..... Awesome! Keep practicing, it'll all come together!

   You show up at your local launch and there is a bunch  of people hangin' around on the beach......and no one's shreddin'.... do you think its "GOOD OUT THERE?" You can usually make a pretty good call on whats happening out on the water by whats happening on the beach. BUT the reality is you should already have some kind of an idea,'ve checked the weather, wind, and tide reports. You've gone online and looked at a kiteboard forum to see what the reports say, what the prediction is....."is it gonna be cloudy? Clear and warm? What's the weather network or environment Canada calling for? A northern push? or a steady southerly for the next couple days?

  The reality is you can never really fully predict whats gonna happen, but you can definitely make an educated guess....And remember we've all had to start at the bottom so don't be afraid or intimidated to ask one of the other kiters.  Everyone's usually pretty friendly and willing to give you a little heads up on the conditions.

  One of the most overlooked aspects of kiting is the do some research, learn about the different weather patterns, satellite images, and how the weather can directly affect the wind.  A word of caution...if you see any BIG anvil shaped clouds (cumulonimbus) get back to the beach as soon as you can.  These gnarly clouds can reek havoc on your session.  Learn as much as you can about wind (there are so many variables when it comes to wind)  wind shadows, venturi effect, Gradient wind, inflow, outflow, If you're gonna be shreddin should know as much as you can.....It could make or break your session!

  When you're first learning to kite it isn't just about board and kite skills.  You need to educate yourself on all the aspects of the sport and be an informed and safe kiter.

  Have fun and see you on the water!!!

Getting Started on The Right Track

Rider : Tony Hasenkrug
So you've seen it at the beach....checked it out from the shore, and now you think you're ready to give it a go! So what now?
The best advice I can give you is.......TAKE A LESSON!! Yes they are pricey, but think about it, not only do you get to thrash the schools gear while your flailing around in the water, but you're also gonna be supervised if it gets haywire out there. Would you just jump in a plane, strap in and go for a rip??? Funny thing is back in the day a lot of us did teach ourselves, and believe me I'm soooo lucky I didn't hurt or kill me or any other beach users. A lesson is integral to learning quickly and efficiently!

With that being said, You should definitely do your research about what school, or instructor. IKO and IKA are organizations that have Qualified certified instructors!

Kiting is fun and easy to learn if you take the right steps! Take a lesson, be safe, patient, and listen to everything your instructors tells ya, Before you know it....You'll be rippin' it up out there!